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  • Patrons may borrow up to 10 items such as books, DVDs, CDs or books on CD at one time for a fourteen day loan period.  Patrons must supply their library card at the time of check out.  A patron may request a renewal on these items either by phone (by providing your library card number) or by renewing the items by going to your online patron account.

  • Using the Libby App and WV READS: Get online access to audio books and eBooks using your library card and PIN number.  Patron must have no fines or overdues to use this service.

                                          INTERLIBRARY LOANS

The Ronceverte Public Library participates in an Interlibrary Loan service in order to obtain materials not available in our collection. This service depends on the generosity of public and academic libraries across the state. For security reasons interlibrary loan materials must be signed out from the circulation desk.

In order to receive this privilege the borrower agrees to:


  1. Accept responsibility for materials between signing out and signing in. This includes cost of damage to or loss of borrowed item.

  2. Return the materials by the date due marked on the interlibrary loan slip. Not returning materials to the lending library on time may jeopardize our ability to continue receiving interlibrary loan services from that library. Please make every effort to return this material by the due date.


 Photocopy & Computer print charges are: $.20 per page up to 20 page, $.15 per page for 21-40 pages, , $.10 per page 41 pages and up.


Fax transmittal charges are $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for additional page, not including the cover page within the continental United States.  Incoming Faxes may be received at $1 per page.  The library's FAX number is 304-647-7651.

                                            COMPUTER ACCESS

The Ronceverte Public Library offers three public access computers that the public can use for free. This includes Microsoft Office Suite, children's educational programs, Adobe Premier Photoshop & Premier Element and Internet access.


Public access computers and wireless service in this library are hosted on the State Library Network (SLN).  The SLN is supported with State and Federal funds and is subject to policies, procedures, and standards, including filtering and monitoring, required by the funding authorities.  Misuse of library computers by employees or the public may lead to disciplinary action and/or prosecution.  A copy of the Library's Internet Use Policy is posted and available at the desk.



Children under 18 must have parent or guardian permission slip signed and take a short class.

                                               TAX FORMS

State and Federal (including various schedules) tax forms are available at the library.



We offer both popular release movies as well as children's movies. Primarily our collection is available through regular DVDs but our Blu Ray collection is growing.



                                       AUDIO BOOKS and eBOOKS


Through the WV Reads program, we offer a selection of eBooks for download to your reading device.  Whether it's your laptop, iPad, Kindle or Nook, RPL has a selection of eBooks that are compatible with your reading device. See the staff for more details and ask about the Libby App. 


                          STORY HOUR & SUMMER READING PROGRAMS


From September through May, the Ronceverte Public Library has a weekly Story Hour program.  During Story Hour, children in our 3 to 5 year old age group is read stories by our library staff or volunteer, then they do crafts and afterward are able to check out books .  Our Story Hour group takes place in our children section every Wednesday from 11:30 – 12:30 beginning the fourth Wednesday in September

and ending the second Wednesday in May.


Summer Reading is for offered for all ages based on number of sign-ups and begins in July and ends in August.

                                    ADULT & YOUNG ADULT PROGRAMS

Adult Book Club

 Classic Books

Young Adult Book Club

  General Books


Table Games: 


The library will have available table games such as Rook, Scrabble, Mahjong, and Crafts.  Check the Event Calendar for days and times.



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